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Our members (as of Nov 2018) : From left to right: K.Gedia, L. Perrozzi, G.Perrin, L.Gerritzen, C.Grab, A.Calandri, P.Berger


The group research interests cover a wide range from studies of QCD production to the standard model Higgs boson searches. The present research activities exploit the data produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN during its run at 7 TeV and at 8 TeV, and collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. From the very beginning of the LHC run, the group has been involved in heavy flavour related analysis, concentrating on highly efficient and pure detection of beauty quarks (bottom quarks).

Our group was part of the overall CMS collaboration effort that discovered a new Higgs boson as announced on July 4th, 2012 at CERN. The characteristics  of this boson and the detailed study of its properties are the present goals of the group. We are involved now in Run 2 (at 13 TeV) concentrating on H-->bb decays. (see external page CMS-homepage)

At the Paul-Scherrer-Institut (PSI) we are involved in the Mu3e experiment to search for the lepton-flavour violating decay where an anti-muon decays into two positrons and an electron without accompanying neutrinos. Any observation of this decay mode is a clean indication of physics beyond the realm of our standard model.

ETH News

Record-breaking laser pulses

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Exploring the fascinating science behind cooking

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Fifteen professors appointed

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Planets contain more water than thought

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  • Centre for Origin and Prevalence of Life
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The group is involved in various teaching activities within the physics department:
Courses in the current year:

Courses given in the past:


Events D-PHYS

Enlarged view: muon_event_display
Visualization of a measured CMS event with two muons and two b-tagged jets
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